Friday, 7 May 2010

2010: Out of Strathnairn. Brief article on gallery exhibition opening.

Out of Strathnairn opening by Jon Stanhope, ACT Chief Minister, at Belconnen Arts Centre, May 7, 2010. Exhibition until May 23.

By Frank McKone

The exhibition is the first in a newly established relationship between the Belconnen Arts Centre and the Strathnairn Arts Association. The curator is Peter Haynes, Director of ACT Museums and Galleries.

In conversation with me Jon promised a “rambling” speech, rather like a rambling rose as it turned out. There were no thorns, but several blossoms of reminiscences of his quite frequent visits to Strathnairn, including something of the history of the old homestead, an interesting arts non sequitur connecting his turning the first sod on McCubbin Rise (in North Weston, Molonglo Valley) earlier in the day to Strathnairn (the house was built about the same time McCubbin died), and his request to be a gardener on the proposed landscaping which he insisted must consist of fruit trees.

In keeping, I guess, with his appreciation of the arts, the landscaping should not be merely decorative but must have depth of meaning. So it should bear fruit.

The biggest blooms, which I imagined in bright Texas rose yellow, were the announcements of $100,000 to build two new studios for practising artists, and another $100,000 for repairs and refurbishment of the homestead, in this year’s ACT Budget, which follow other similar grants in recent years.

It was pleasant to see a genuine warmth of response to a politician’s speech in this era of cynicism, as the Chief Minister spoke with real affection for Belconnen, where he has lived for 40 years, for the arts of the region and the importance of cultural life in general.

Belconnen Arts Centre is open 10:00am to 6:00pm Tuesday-Sunday.
118 Emu Bank, Belconnen, Canberra.
Tel: +61 2 6173 3300

Strathnairn Arts Association Inc. is a not for profit arts association supported by the ACT Government that provides working spaces and facilities for a range of artists and crafts people and community groups.

Strathnairn Homestead Gallery is set in a converted 1920s homestead on the north-western outskirts of Canberra. Located 900 metres past the Magpies Belconnen Golf Club turnoff, it's a facility which has been used by artists for decades but still remains one of Canberra's best-kept secrets.

Location address: 90 Stockdill Drive, Holt ACT 2615
Postal address: PO Box 4746, Higgins ACT 2615
Phone: (02) 6254 2134
Fax: (02) 6254 6924
General email: info [at]

© Frank McKone, Canberra

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